Sunday, November 15, 2009

In Praise of the Apple

A quick rehash of this (long) weekend:

I did a whole lot of nothing these past few days. I divided my time equally in the following ways: moping, cleaning, laundry, watching movies and drinking with friends. Not quite the productive weekend I had hoped it might be. I blame the torrential rain. I'm not being lazy if there's flood warnings, right?

A gift from a hen:

It was a dark and stormy night, for reals, y’all, last night. I got a phone call from Hug, of Sunday/Funday fame and he said he had something for me and that he’d bring it straight away. That something was actually 20 somethings, and came in a calcium shell. He brought me a pallet of eggs, a gift from America, because he is strange and a sucker for a good deal.

What does a person who now has 30 eggs* in the fridge do with them, aside from the obvious, which is to drive by pelting people with them?

*Because of the law of Murphy, I bought a dozen eggs yesterday morning.

Things that annoy me today:

The homeless man who barked at me when I wouldn’t give him a cigarette. I am becoming less alarmed at this type of behavior, as it’s not the first time this girl has been barked at on the street in recent months. Worrying? Almost definitely.

The film crew that seems to have taken over the entire street with their television antics who are being aided by the Vancouver City Police. I would like to bellow at the ever constant movie land people…give me back my alley, but they'd probably beat me up for ruining their scene.

The rain and my lack of shield from it. I left my umbrellas at the office all weekend, so spent the entire weekend inside or soaking wet, this morning included. I did this because I am an optimistic idiot.

Things that are not annoying me today:

The perfect apple I just ate! Crisp, juicy and delicious, kinda like yo’ mama!

That there is still cream in the office fridge. This is the only bonus of being all by your onesie in the office…no one is stealing the communal cream.

The coffee mug that’s sitting in the alley that’s been there all day. I wonder if someone is looking for the missing cappuccino mug, or if they’ll discover in the morning that they are, in fact, mugless.

A Challenge:

Hodge and I made a cupcake challenge for this week. We have to cook Monday through Thursday, and are not allowed to buy a meal from anywhere. The winner (me) gets 6 of the most delicious, delicious treats from Big City Cupcakes. Because I'm crap in the kitchen, me thinks I am either going to eat only fruit this week or be hungry. I do have all those eggs, though...

In conclusion (aka 'that's a wrap')

Monday so far has been uneventful, except for the penny that I rescued from the gutter this morning, as I was on my way to the office and the fact that at 4.28pm, it is very, very dark outside. It has stopped raining, though, until I decide to go home when the heavens will open, because the rain gods think it's a fucking hilarious to rain on my parade.

The joke's on you, Rain Man, I have my umbrella today!


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