Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy belated Halloween, Internetters!

Candy highs are the best! Soo good! Especially when combined with caffeine highs! I wish I had discovered that winning combination when I was still of legitimate trick or treating age. Wouldn't my mother have loved that?

True story:

I go to my local corner store pretty regularly, even though sometimes I get asked for spare change on the street, on the corner and … in the store. Inside. Seriously. The dude that works there is mostly cool, even though he usually rocks this heinous faux hawk, had a t-shirt that mimicked (and tongue-in-cheeked) Jon Gosselin’s bestie of hideous outerwear. His shirt was blue and had a dove on it, among other things, with the tag line: Fancy Mother Fucker. Yes you are, faux hawk, yes you are!

I had a dream, perhaps inspired by his fancy shirt, that I was a tattoo artist. How cool would that job be? So naturally, I Googled how to follow my life’s new direction, and found this article. I love this for so many reasons!

  1. That it is found on about.com! Nothing says cool and bad-ass like about.com!!
  2. That all those people who can’t colour within the lines have to find a different life path. Sorry guys. You suck and will have to take you untalented asses elsewhere. Try accounting!
  3. That theres a “What You’ll Need” checklist!
  4. The requirement to apprentice. It makes sense, but it does seem to be a bit straight and narrow. Don’t you think?

Things that are annoying me today:

People pressure washing* the sidewalks. Honestly, guys, there's a move to conserve water. Pressure washing a sidewalk is not conducive to that. There used to be a thing they used years ago...I think it was called a broom. Get it, use it, love it! Also, you always get the bottom of my pants wet.

*As a digression, which I so love to do, my Uncle calls his pressure washer a Hotsy. I'm not sure if that's a brand name or something that he made up, but it led me to thinking of a word he did make up: Gizunder. His kid, my cousin T, operated well into her twenties thinking that this was an actual word and even convinced ESL students that a gizunder is a very real kitchen implement. You see, a gizunder goes under things, and the modern world calls it a spatula. (or sometimes a flipper, which is a dolphin not a spatula. ugh.)

The people filming a movie outside my office. I'm pretty sure that I'm an extra in your fancy pants New York/London disaster and I would like my $5 for that. See me inside when you have the cheque ready.

That it is a beautiful, sunny day outside, which has prompted the air conditioning to turn on (Hi, it's November!) and am freezing at my desk as a breeze straight from the arctic blows down the back of my neck.

Things that are not annoying me today:

I am enjoying that the straws in my can o' Coke Zero keeps fizzing up after every sip, causing a volcano effect that is way more entertaining than it really should be.

The extra packet of plum sauce I got with my noodles and veggies. Thank you lady, you usually only give me one. I will enjoy this very much and expect that this is the new precedence that you're setting.

It's a beautiful, sunny day outside. I'll get to play out there in a few short hours. Wait for me!!


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