The olbigatory self-involved post:
It occurred to me again on my walk home yesterday, where I have many profound thoughts - like how is pink lemonade made pink and I could so totally climb Everest, with no oxygen and how would I survive if zombies were real (I like to think I would find myself a cricket bat and mess those jerks up, Shaun of the Dead style) - and I decided I should introduce myself to the land of blog.
I’m 28 years old, which means that in 5 years, I will be 33.
I am roughly 5’8 and it says 172 cm on my driver’s license.
I have brown hair and big eyes that are bluey/greeney/greyish in color.
I very nearly (inadvertently) had my mother investigated for child abuse when I was a tot. I was so clumsy and all those hospital trips made the nurses suspicious. Sorry Mama. By the way, I’m still clumsy.
I wanted to marry Optimus Prime of Transformers fame when I was just a little thing. I have since realized the error of my lust…but what a man (er, truck)!
Anna isn't my real name. It's close-ish, but I don't know you well enough yet to give you the details to my bank account just yet.
My step-father was in the army, which makes me an army brat. I have spent a good portion of my life moving, living overseas and on bases (in PMQ's).
I have an older brother who I love, in spite of his inability to form cohesive sentences.
I once exposed my older brother’s junk in front of my mother, godmother and our mother’s best friend. The best friend has taken to calling him 'Magic' and he has since gotten the better Christmas presents.
Speaking of my brother, I got super duper drunk at his wedding and I don't remember much of it, but I do recall throwing up out of a moving car, which turned out to be my mama’s. I was not popular or proud for a time.
I sometimes go to the movies and just have popcorn for dinner. Healthy? Probably not. Happy? Absolutely!
I don’t like it when I get sucked into TV land. I feel very unproductive and it really bothers me.
I regularly start projects but rarely finish them. I’m more of an ideas person.
I enjoy coffee and probably drink more of it than is good for me. Or is coffee on the outs this week? I can't keep up. It doesn't matter. In my world, coffee is always in fashion.
I have an unnatural obsession with podcasts, of all description, and playing solitaire while listening to said podcasts. Seriously, I've lost days!
I like seeing people walking home on Fridays (why is it always Fridays?) with cut flowers. However, as proof that I am as contrary as I sound, I hate being the recipient of cut flowers. They're cool and all, but me thinks they would be better served being still on the bush/tree/stem where they belong, outside.
I enjoy long walks on the beach (Ha! Welcome to my cliché). I just enjoy walking, wherever I may be.
I don’t like taking the bus. I’d much rather walk/drive/ride a mule.
I like parentheses. No, I really like them. I want to marry them and carry their children.
I like, but am mostly compelled, to pick money off the street. The most I have gotten was $5 and a whole lotta luck from all those pennies. FYI: today is indeed a two penny day, and it's only 10.43! am! Woot!
I love to travel.
I love to travel places with no plans. That's just how I roll, baby. I'll usually sort out the first night and the rest is by the seat of my pants.
Denim. I love denim, but not in skirt, shirt or jacket form. So I should edit that to say Jeans. Please take this as my last will and testament and remember that I wish to be placed on my funeral pyre in my jeans.
To date, I own no less than three pairs of jeans that are ripped and mostly unwearable, but I wear them anyway.
My family. They should be closer to the top of the list, but they know how special they are to me, even if I don't tell them nearly enough. I luff youse guys!
My friends and neigbours. Again, they belong closer to the top of this inane list of narcissism. I do adore and enjoy you all. Even when you're being dickheads.
I don’t like tomatoes or strawberries. But I do like ketchup and strawberry pop tarts. Go figure.
I don’t like to cook and I don’t like to wash dishes. I do like to eat, though, so the solution: Take out!
I have always been, and probably will always be, a picky eater. I’m also a vegetarian.
You know what? It’s taken an hour to come up with this wonderful, if useless, list. It’s time for me to blow this popsicle stand and get on with my day and be, you know, a moderately productive member of society.
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